Via Ferrata

Mont Rebei And the Finestres wall

Via ferrata (vie ferrade in Catalan) are something of a hybrid between a hiking trail and a climbing route, which at the lowest grade don’t require much technical climbing knowledge. Grades start as K1 (easy) and rise to K6 (extreme). The name refers to a path of climbing trails marked by handles and cables, which assist hikers along their route. The word ferrata comes from the Latin for iron, therefore via ferrata literally means the ‘iron way’ in reference to the iron handles that line the paths and are used as a means of both climbing and traversing steep cliff faces.

Montsec is home to one of the most difficult via ferrata in the country, Feliz Navidad, but the local area caters for all levels of skill and enthusiasm.

Introductory level routes (K2), Teletubbies and Olmer Soler are a perfect excuse to visit the Romanic Pertusa chapel overlooking the Canelles reservoir. Please note that the routes are well marked and well maintained but do require specialist equipment.

Via Ferrata Canelles Àger
Montsec Via Ferrata

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